Most Significant Bit Productions

We create community-focused live music experiences in San Francisco that foster connection between artists and audiences.

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Most Significant Bit Productions is the brainchild of Matt Bertenthal. Matt grew up playing Charles Mingus compositions and Clifford Brown fakebooks on the trumpet. During the pandemic, Matt studied live sound production with Dana Jae Lebracque at City College of San Francisco.

Matt has attended thousands of live music events. He enjoys jazz, blues, rock, punk, hardcore, noise, rap, country, bluegrass, and electronic music (+ everything in between).

Matt believes in building community through the power of live music, and that better days for SF’s local music scene are ahead.

Matt has studied Electrical and Computer Engineering, although he wishes that someone told him earlier that you can have fun with it. He has been a resident of San Francisco for over a decade, which doesn’t mean much. The City should always welcome The New.


We’re currently in planning mode. Sign up for our mailing list, and stay tuned in!